Kazakh Startups Shine in Glovo Startup Competition

29 Jul, 2024
Kazakh Startups Shine in Glovo Startup Competition

Seventy Kazakh startups recently applied to participate in the Glovo Startup Competition, a prestigious IT project competition. Of these, only 12 innovative startups made it to the finals, receiving a chance to compete for a prize fund of 35,000 euros and a two-week internship in Spain.

The competition was held in three stages of strict selection: screening, diagnostics (interviews with experts) and commission evaluation. The following startups reached the final: Acro, Beksar, Courstore, Kwaaka, SmartGas FuelSync, AMAN, Partners Pay, Kook, SPDex, OILA (Smart Zebra), Ozak.kz and SpaceLab.

In the final pitching, the Acro team won, taking first place. Acro, developer of an artificial intelligence platform for website personalization, received a €20,000 prize as well as an internship opportunity at Glovo's head office in Barcelona. Their innovative solution impressed the judges with its potential to improve the user experience on websites using cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology.

Second place was taken by the startup Beksar, which presented a modern solution for automating retail stores. Bexar received a prize of 10,000 euros and will also enjoy a trip to Barcelona. Their automation technology aims to streamline retail operations, bringing efficiency and innovation to the sector.

Third place was taken by Courstore, the creator of an AI platform for online courses in messengers. Courstore received a €5,000 award for its inventive approach to online education, making learning more accessible and interactive through popular messaging platforms.

The Glovo Startup Competition, organized by Spanish technology company Glovo in partnership with international technology park Asia Hub, aims to promote innovation and support new technology talent. The competition provided an important platform for Kazakh startups to showcase their projects and gain international exposure.

The finalists' achievements highlight the growing talent and entrepreneurial spirit in Kazakhstan's technology community. By preparing for an internship in Spain, these startups are ready to further develop their solutions and make a significant contribution to the global technology landscape.

The success of the Glovo Startup Competition highlights the importance of such initiatives for the development and promotion of innovation. By providing resources, mentorship and awareness, competitions like these play a critical role in the growth and development of startups, stimulating the next generation of technology leaders.